Thursday, March 31, 2011

Love is in the Air - Marzanne and Michael

This recent wedding I co-photographed for my favourite wedding photographer, has a love story behind it as spectacular as the couple themselves! They kindly agreed to to tell it in their own words for me (While on Honeymoon in the Maldives!!):


I started working as a corporate flight attendant in Nigeria in 2008. One day, about a month after I started working for the company, our Chief Pilot and another other captain were discussing that the company urgently had to employ one more pilot. I’m sure they were just fooling around, but the Chief Pilot gave me two CV’s and asked which one I thought the company should employ. I looked at the CV’s which only contained the names and employment history; no photos, no ages, NADA! As I didn’t know what to look for on a pilot’s CV I just went for the one who’s name I liked best. So, I jokingly picked the one who’s name sounded best and said to Glen (our Chief Pilot then) to first ask for a photo of the one I picked... one can never be too sure with these Americans.... A few days after this conversation I went on leave so I never found out who we did employ...


In 2008 I was out of work, the recession was starting, and the only work I could find was in AFRICA! I had a telephonic interview with a company in NIGERIA and they asked for a picture. This was unusual for me, as it is uncommon in the states. Little did I know, it was at the request of my future wife!!

I was soooo nervous. As someone who has only read about Africa in NatGeo, my expectations were something different than reality. I met the most beautiful woman I have ever met!! Her personality is un-deniable. Anyone that has ever met her will agree. Beauty, brains, personality,...she has it all. We spoke, confided and formed a friendship that I have never had before...She is my best friend and the person that I will spend the rest of my life with!! ;-)


Our new pilot, Michael, started working with us towards the end of 2008. It was only later, after Mike and I have formed a strong friendship that I discovered that Glen asked him for a photo! This was my pick!! Mike and I were friends and confidants for a long period before we got romantically involved with each other. It was worth the wait! Soon after we got together (2 months to be exact) we were on a flight from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth to visit my sister. At top of decent he pulled out the most beautiful engagement ring and asked me to be his wife! What a fitting engagement for a couple who work at 47,000 feet in the air, who get to travel the world at each other’s sides and experience life at a different angle. I knew then that life couldn’t get better!


Now that Marzanne and I are married, we are hoping to start a family steeped in S. African and American traditions. I love Africa and I love my wife!!!

The wedding ceremony and reception was at the The Plantation, Sardinia Bay, Port Elizabeth.

See Marzanne and Michael's wedding album here.

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