Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fire Chief Ethan on Duty!

All the shoots I do are special to me... and some are just special to everyone! We spent a Saturday morning at the South End Fire Station in Port Elizabeth with Anoesjka, Riaan and their little Fire Chief Ethan. And I'm sure the adults had more fun than Ethan!

When Anoesjka contacted me to book a shoot the initial idea was just to get some nice "Fireman" shots of Ethan to use for his birthdayparty invitations in December. We agreed that it would be lovely to have the backdrop of the Firestation and Anoesjka took a chance and contacted the Fire Department in South End.

They were absolutely delighted to have us and this very special shoot was planned.

Our three hosts Fireman Jacobs, Whittaker and Padayachee made sure that Ethan had great fun inspecting them, the trucks and he even hitched a ride in two of the firetrucks.

The package for this shoot forms part of my Easter Special which is a 30 Minute Location Photoshoot for R250. You receive 3 A4 Prints and 30 edited, high resolution digital photographs on disk. In this case Anoesjka had the full set printed twice for each set of grandparents... and I'm sure they loved it.

While I will be coming up with themes for these shoots throughout the month of April, please feel free to contact me with your own ideas. Photos that tell your story are not supposed to be stiff and posed, the photograph must tell the observer who you are, what your loves are and how you have have fun!! Visit my contact page to get my contact details.

View the entire Fire Chief Ethan shoot here

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