Thursday, December 30, 2010

Darling Daschunds

Every animal lover's story is marked by the pets that have shared their life. Pets are part of the family and provide companionship, entertainment and solace in hard times. Its sad that often we dont even have decent photographs of these furry creatures that share our life and love us unconditionally.

We probably have the most photographed daschunds on the planet. Salami, Ming, Aoki, Sally and Stephi dont even bat an eyelid at a flash or focus beep anymore. In fact, I think the puppies are starting to make sure that there's a BlackBerry or camera pointed their way before doing something cute!

I feel its imortant to have beautiful photographs of the canine and feline members of your family as you yould have of the human members thereof and therefore have included pet shoots in my range of services. Shoots are done at your home if the animals are not used to parks or the beach or can be done in any other environment that your pet is comfortable with.

View all my favourite Daschunds here.

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